A special interest group of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland.
💎 RiP 2025 meeting
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RiP 2025 | Registration | Programme | Information | Core Workshop |
Registration for the Mineral Physics Group Research in Progress meeting 2025 is Free.
Registration and abstract submission is now open. Please register for the meeting and submit your abstract here.
Abstracts must be submitted on or before March 10th to be considered for the meeting program.
Posters boards will have A0 portrait dimensions.
The Research in Progress meetings hosted by the Mineral Physics Special Interest Group are open to everyone with an interest in mineral physics science. The group is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment that encourages productive scientific exchanges. All meeting participants, including session chairs, speakers, poster presenters, and other attendees, must adhere to the following code of conduct:
Any reported unacceptable behavior will result in action from the meeting organizers, potentially including immediate removal without warning. Unacceptable behaviours include physical and verbal abuse, such as comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or national origin; harassment, bullying, intimidation, or discrimination; inappropriate use of sexual images in public spaces or presentations; and threatening or stalking participants.