Mineral Physics Group


A special interest group of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland.

đź’Ž RiP 2025 meeting

Workshop on Crystallising Liquid Core of the Earth

Edinburgh - April 8th and 9th

This workshop delves into the critical role of Earth’s core in driving planetary processes, including generating magnetic fields through the geodynamo and influencing tectonic activity. We will explore the crystallization and/or demixing of Fe-alloy liquids, how they would power the geodynamo, and what palaeomagnetic evidence would tell us about it. As such the workshop aims to bring researchers in different fields together and make multidisciplinary discussions on the core processes to understand where we stand. With this unique opportunity, we will illuminate how the Earth generates magnetic fields and its fundamental role in shaping the planet’s environment and sustaining life.

This meeting will start at 1pm 8th April and conclude at 12pm 9th April and precedes the Mineral Physics Groups’s Research in Progress meeting.

The venue is the Larch lecture theatre of The Nucleus Building - Thomas Bayes Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3FG. Additional information on travel and accomodation can be found on the MPG RiP 2025 information page.

Registration for this workshop is free. Attendees can register and submit an abstract here. Registration is required for name badge and catering purposes.

Oral presentation is by invitation only. Poster presentations can be requested on registration. Posters boards will have A0 portrait dimensions.

Invited Speakers

This meeting is supported by the NERC grant NE/W005832/1 “The Crystallisation Sequence of Earth’s Core”.

For additional details please contact Dr Komabayashi Tetsuya.Komabayashi@ed.ac.uk.